Bengaluru: In a new revelation on illegal migrants in Karnataka, police said migrants awaiting deportation indulged in illegal activities like drug consumption, theft, pickpocketing and cocaine sales. A list of migrants was sent to the Union Home Ministry for deportation following state government's order in 2017.
The process got delayed as the Centre's approval was not granted, as per sources. As per the list, there were nearly 2 lakh migrants from all over the state, including the capital, to be deported. They over stayed illegally despite the expiry of their visas.
According to a police official, currently, more than 2 lakh foreigners live in Karnataka illegally. There are more than 6,000 illegal immigrants in the capital city Bengaluru. Most of them are from African countries including Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria and Sudan and their visas have expired, as per a survey conducted by the State Home Ministry.
Police sources said that they get fake visa through agents in their country and here some intermediaries help them. But so far, those agents have not been detected. Initially, they reach here for education and employment and later engage in illegal activities.