Jaipur: A Customs Department team caught a man with 292.270 grams of smuggled gold worth Rs 15.95 lakh at Jaipur airport. According to customs officials, a passenger arriving from Dubai on Air India flight number IX 196 was intercepted by a team of Customs officials led by Assistant Customs Commissioner Bharat Bhushan Atal under the direction of Customs Commissioner Rahul Nagre.
The passenger had reached Jaipur airport on Saturday morning. Examining his baggage with an X-ray machine showed deep images of some objects inside the magnetic bracelet.
When the customs officers questioned the passenger, he could not give a satisfactory answer on this. When the passenger's bag was checked, 8 magnetic bracelets were found in the passenger's check-in baggage, and on removing these bracelets 64 pieces of solid gold in white rhodium polished rectangular shape were found hidden inside the bracelet. The weight of smuggled gold is 292.270 grams.
The price of gold is estimated at Rs 15,95,794. The gold has been confiscated under the provisions of the Customs Act 1962. The Custom Department team is interrogating the passenger.
Efforts are being made to find out from where the smuggled gold was to be transported and who are the people involved in gold smuggling and from where the gold was brought from.
Also read: 6.9 kg smuggled gold worth Rs 3.6 cr seized at Chennai airport