New Delhi: Delhi Police DCP Ingit Pratap Singh, who returned from London with drug smugglers recently, has been found infected with the Omicron variant of COVID 19. Alongside the DCP, the ACP as well as inspectors who returned with him have also tested positive.
Senior officers within Delhi Police ranks have been asked to follow all guidelines related to the spread of Omicron. The infected, meanwhile, have been advised to remain in isolation.
Having returned from London, Singh, ACP Rahul Vikram and Inspector Anuj Kumar were all asked to undergo quarantine for 14 days. It is during this period that Singh had a fever and subsequently tested Covid positive. The strain was confirmed as Omicron after genome sequencing.
Also read: COVID vaccines are disease-modifying, don't prevent infection: ICMR
This possibly marks the first instance of Omicron attack among the Delhi Police.
The case, meanwhile, dates back to 2018.
Delhi Police personnel had captured several drug smugglers at the time from the Delhi Airport. Meow meow, a variation of amphetamine, as well as various sleeping pills were recovered from them.
The group, during interrogation, had noted that the leader of the group, Harvinder Singh alias Baljit Singh, was residing in London.
The Delhi Police got a non-bailable warrant issued against him in the court, following which the Government of India approached London court for the extradition of the head of the smuggling racket.
The extradition was approved after Harvinder's arrest in the UK back in February 2020.