Mumbai: Fresh developments have surfaced in the murder case of former minister and Ajit Pawar faction leader Baba Siddique. According to police, Zeeshan Siddique, the son of the slain leader, has submitted a statement detailing critical information, including the mention of BJP leader Mohit Kamboj and several builders in his father’s diary.
According to police sources, Zeeshan claimed that his father, who had regular interactions with political leaders and builders, maintained a diary documenting significant events and contacts. On October 12, 2024, the day of his assassination, Baba Siddique allegedly wrote the name of a prominent Mumbai leader in the diary, Zeeshan said. The entry, according to Zeeshan, is believed to be related to a redevelopment project. Zeeshan also disclosed that a builder had verbally abused his father during a meeting about the slum redevelopment project.
Zeeshan further stated that his father was set to take oath as an MLC two days after his murder. However, following the killing, another leader, who had been nominated for the Legislative Council, took the oath on October 15, 2024. He also claimed that BJP leader Mohit Kamboj had contacted his father via WhatsApp on the day of the murder to discuss a project with Mundra Builders.
Responding to the allegations, BJP leader Mohit Kamboj stated that he and Baba Siddique were close friends and shared a 15-year association. "We often discussed elections and other matters. His murder deeply shocked me, and I visited the family at the hospital. I hope justice prevails," Kamboj said in a statement.
Zeeshan Siddique’s statement notably did not mention any involvement of the Bishnoi gang, countering earlier speculation.
Meanwhile, police are continuing their investigation into the case.
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