New Delhi: The Lok Sabha on Thursday passed the Jammu and Kashmir Appropriation Bill, thereby allowing the central government to authorise payment and appropriation of certain sums from and out of the consolidated fund of the union territory for the services of the financial year 2021-22.
As per the bill, "from and out of the consolidated fund of Jammu and Kashmir, there may be paid and applied sums not exceeding those specified in column 3 of the Schedule amounting in the aggregate to the sum of one lakh thirty thousand eight hundred thirty-two crores twenty-three lakh and eighty-seven thousand rupees towards defraying the several charges which will come in course of payment during the financial year 2021-22 in respect of the services specified in column 2 of the Schedule."
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"The sums authorised to be paid and applied from and out of the consolidated fund by this act shall be appropriated for the services and purposes expressed in the schedule in relation to the said year," states the bill passed by the Lower House.
The Lok Sabha had on Wednesday passed the Appropriation Bill thereby allowing the Centre to authorise payment and appropriation of certain further sums from and out of the consolidated fund of India for the services of the financial year 2020-21.
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