Mumbai: Poet and former Aam Aadmi Party leader Kumar Vishwas on Wednesday said in a video accused Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal of supporting separatist movements in Punjab. Making serious allegations, Vishwas, one of AAP's founding members, said that Kejriwal had not shied away from the possibility of joining hands with radical groups in favour of a separate state primarily for the Sikh population. Without naming Kejriwal, Vishwas further noted that he had even expressed the desire of becoming the Prime Minister of a separate nation.
"During the previous elections, I had told him that he shouldn't take help from the radical organisations. He told me not to worry, and even explained the formula to become the CM. Even if he does not get to become Chief Minister, he will likely install a puppet. He had once also told me that either he would become the Chief Minister, or the Prime Minister of a separate nation", Vishwas said, explaining Kejriwal's response when he warned the Delhi CM about the 2020 Khalistan referendum, and the severity in the future of any such move.
Meanwhile, AAP spokesperson Raghav Chadha later on Wednesday retaliated to the comment, saying the party would be forced to take "stringent legal action" in case any channel "publishes or circulated ads" or provides platform to Vishawas's unfounded remarks.
Kumar Vishwas through the means of forged and fabricated video with the devious intent to defame and deride Sh Arvind Kejriwal has been circulating/ publising the said videos.
— Raghav Chadha (@raghav_chadha) February 16, 2022 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">Kumar Vishwas through the means of forged and fabricated video with the devious intent to defame and deride Sh Arvind Kejriwal has been circulating/ publising the said videos.
— Raghav Chadha (@raghav_chadha) February 16, 2022Kumar Vishwas through the means of forged and fabricated video with the devious intent to defame and deride Sh Arvind Kejriwal has been circulating/ publising the said videos.
— Raghav Chadha (@raghav_chadha) February 16, 2022
"Kumar Vishwas through the means of forged and fabricated video with the devious intent to defame and deride Sh Arvind Kejriwal has been circulating/ publishing the said videos. The malicious, fabricated and inflammatory insinuations made by Mr Kumar Vishwas are not only demonstrably defamatory but also redolent of promoting hatred...", the statement read.
Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal must clarify on the statement made by his party founder Kumar Vishwas.
— Mallikarjun Kharge (@kharge) February 16, 2022 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
Punjab is a very sensitive state where maintaining peace is of paramount importance.
Kejriwal must show maturity and sensitivity when talking about a border state like Punjab.
">Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal must clarify on the statement made by his party founder Kumar Vishwas.
— Mallikarjun Kharge (@kharge) February 16, 2022
Punjab is a very sensitive state where maintaining peace is of paramount importance.
Kejriwal must show maturity and sensitivity when talking about a border state like Punjab.Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal must clarify on the statement made by his party founder Kumar Vishwas.
— Mallikarjun Kharge (@kharge) February 16, 2022
Punjab is a very sensitive state where maintaining peace is of paramount importance.
Kejriwal must show maturity and sensitivity when talking about a border state like Punjab.
All India Congress Committee member Mallikarjun Kharge said, later on Wednesday, tweeted out saying "Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal must clarify on the statement made by his party founder Kumar Vishwas", seeking a response from Kejriwal.