Indore: Congress General Secretary and former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Digvijay Singh, who has been booked for sharing a fake tweet over the Ram Navami communal violence in Khargone, has alleged the riots were sponsored by the BJP and Muslim organizations.
During a program held at the house of Congress leader Premchand Guddu in Indore, Digvijay said that a “pattern of spreading religious frenzy is going on in the whole country”. In this, BJP and some Muslim organizations are playing this game together, he said. He alleged that the “fire of hatred and riots is being spread by the BJP in the country”.
Digvijay said that “those who are openly talking about inciting rape and communal violence across the country are not prosecuted” while referring to Hindu priest Bajrang Muni, who allegedly issued rape threats against Muslim women. “Riots are happening in Madhya Pradesh, but the Prime Minister is silent because it is all sponsored,” Digvijay said. He accused the state government for the violence.
“I was the Chief Minister for 10 years, so I know that there are no riots until the Chief Minister does not want”. He termed the Khargone incident a “complete failure of the government machinery”. On the question of the lawsuit filed against him, Digvijay said he had spoken of non-violence, to increase love, harmony, and brotherhood throughout his life.
Digvijay was booked on Wednesday for allegedly sharing a tweet from Bihar and passing that it has happened during Madhya Pradesh communal riots on the occasion of Ram Navami. Digvijay said in the tweet “I only asked questions whether it is appropriate to hoist the flag without any permission at a place of worship. I had asked that there be a rule in taking out the procession that no weapon will be used in the procession of anyone.
What was the district administration of Khargone doing?” he asked.
Also read: Digvijay Singh booked, says "nothing can stop me from exposing communal hysteria'