New Delhi: The BJP on Saturday accused Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal of "constantly doing politics" in the name of the national capital and asked him to stop making excuses, hours after the AAP leader said COVID-19 vaccination centres for people in the 18-44 years age group are being closed due to lack of doses.
Kejriwal has also appealed to the Centre to provide more vaccines.
Union minister and BJP leader Prakash Javadekar said it is the central government that has provided around 50 lakh doses to Delhi and will continue to make them available in the future too.
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In a statement, he said Health Minister Harsh Vardhan has already shared the plan about how the country's entire adult population can be vaccinated by December this year.
"Delhi Chief Minister constantly does politics in the name of Delhi... Even during the time of oxygen (crisis), he kept saying oxygen, oxygen and then later said Delhi has surplus oxygen. Kejriwal should stop making excuses," Javadekar said.
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Kejriwal had earlier said that from Sunday, all vaccination centres for youths in Delhi will be closed as stocks have run out. ]