Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut, who never misses an opportunity in praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is not at all pleased with his latest decision to repeal the farm laws. On Saturday, she took to social media to criticise the government's decision to repeal three farm laws. She also said India needs a prime minister like her.
In an Instagram post, though she called it "a victory of farmers," she said that the decision is "sad, shameful and completely unfair". Kangana wrote, "If people have started making laws on the streets instead of Parliament, then this is also a jihadi country. Congratulations to those who wanted it this way."
On her Facebook and Instagram posts, she wrote, "Let us not forget one woman...the only woman prime minister who crushed dissent with all might at the cost of her own life. But the nation did not fall apart. With the rise of Khalistani movement, her story is more relevant than ever. She should be the role model for PM Modi."
PM Modi on Friday announced the withdrawal of the farm laws which gathered support from all political parties, though they branded it as an election strategy.
Kangana launched a tirade against the farmers since the farmers started their agitation against the agriculture law across the country. She also compared the farmers' movement with Khalistan and Shaheen Bagh. Whether it is Punjabi singers supporting the farmers' movement or the ruckus during the tractor rally in Delhi on January 26, Kangana was always there to support the BJP-led central government.
Also Read: Independence Row: Petition filed against actress Kangana Ranaut in Bihar