New Delhi: Minister of External Affairs S Jaishankar on Friday met his Maldivian counterpart Abdulla Shahid, who is on a three-day visit to India. Taking to Twitter, EAM Jaishankar said, "A warm meeting with @UN PGA-elect @abdulla_shahid. Discussed the priorities of his Presidency of Hope. Promised him fullest support from India (sic)." Earlier, Abdulla, also the president-elect of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Abdulla was elected as the president of UNGA's 76th session during the polls held in New York on July 7. Modi congratulated Abdulla on his resounding victory, noting that it reflected the growing stature of Maldives on the world stage. He felicitated the president-elect on his Vision Statement for a ‘Presidency of Hope’, and assured him of India’s full support and cooperation.
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Modi also emphasized the importance of reforming the multilateral system, including the United Nations organs, to reflect the current realities of the world and the aspirations of a vast majority of the world’s population, the MEA said. Both leaders also discussed the rapid growth in the India-Maldives bilateral relationship in recent years. Modi expressed satisfaction that bilateral projects were progressing well despite the constraints of COVID-19 and emphasized the importance of Maldives as a key pillar of India’s Neighbourhood First policy.