New Delhi: Indian scientists using a government-supported fund for the development of scientific infrastructure in the country have developed a reusable, recyclable, washable N95 mask using 3D printing technology. This mask is odorless, non-allergic, and has anti-microbial features. It has four layers and its outer layer is made up of silicon with a shelf-life of more than five years depending on its use.
The most important feature of this N95 mask is that it uses a nano-particle coating that can not only prevent the spread of highly contagious novel coronavirus but it will also have use in industrial plants and hazardous jobs that lead to lung problems and asthma.
Apart from its well-known uses to prevent infections like COVID 19, the mask can also be used by workers in different industries where they are exposed to high volumes of dust like cement factories, brick kilns, cotton factories, and paint industries, officials in the department of science said.
According to officials, this N95 mask which has been developed using 3D printing technology can be modified according to the requirement by changing the filter configuration. It can be done according to the place in which it will be used and can help prevent severe lung diseases such as Silicosis. Indian scientists have also filed for its patent and trademark.
This N95 mask, which is developed in India, is called Nano Breath as it uses a nano-particle coating to prevent the entry of bacteria and viruses, and also other fine particles. In this mask, a 4-layer filtration mechanism has been provided, where the outer and first layer of the filter is coated with nanoparticles. While the second layer is a high-efficiency particulate absorbing (HEPA) filter, the third layer is a 100-micrometer filter and the fourth layer is a moisture absorbent filter.
Indian scientists from Amity University Haryana (AUH) such as Dr. Atul Thakur, Dr. Preeti Thakur, Dr. Lucky Krishna, Prof. PB Sharma, and a research scholar Dinesh Kumar, and Prof. Rakesh Srivastava from the University of Nebraska in the USA have jointly developed this new N-95 mask.
Also Read: COVID patients at higher risk of serious neurodegenerative disorders: Study
According to the latest official data released by the Ministry of Health Monday morning, more than 17,000 new Covid cases were reported in the country during the last 24 hours. The data showed that the daily positivity rate rose to 5.62% while the weekly positivity rate was 3.39%.
More than 3,00,000 tests were conducted in the country last 24 hours and 21 people died due to infection of Coronavirus, taking the total death toll to 5,25,020.
Fund for improvement of science and technology infrastructure (FIST)
Indian scientists who developed this new N-95 mask used the Zetasizer Nano ZS facility which is supported by the fund for the improvement of science and technology infrastructure of the department of science and technology, Government of India.
The facility enables high-temperature thermal analysis for ceramic materials and catalysis applications. This facility is a high-performance, versatile system for measuring particle size, zeta potential, molecular weight, particle mobility, and micro-rheology.