Agra: A two-year-old child died after being stuck in an underground pipeline at Mudiyapura village on Saturday afternoon. The police launched a rescue operation and the child was brought out of the pipeline and admitted to a nearby hospital. However, the doctors declared him dead.
According to OC Jarar Lokesh Sisodia, the child fell into the water culvert of the tube well while playing and died of suffocation after getting stuck in the pipeline. As per sources, the two-year-old was playing close to the culvert and accidentally fell into the cistern. He was flushed underground with the water flowing in the pipeline and got stuck. The child's family started searching for him soon after. When they got to know about the incident they informed the police.
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The police rushed to the spot and called the fire department team. A rescue operation was launched and the team broke open the underground pipeline with the help of a bulldozer. After one and a half hours, the child was rescued from the pipeline in an unconscious state.
The child was admitted to the nearby CHC centre. However, the doctors declared him dead during his treatment. According to the doctors, the child died of suffocation. The child's death caused a furore in the family. The police have sent his body for post-mortem.