Gwalior: Four persons of the same family were found dead under mysterious circumstances in Maharajpura village under Maharajpura police station of Gwalior on Friday, the police said. According to the police, the deceased were identified as Jitendra Valmiki (27), his wife Nirjala(24), his son Kuldeep (4), and daughter Janvi (2).
Chief Superintendent of Police, Ravi Bhadoria sharing the details of the incident said, "Prima facia it looks to be a suicide pact, where the man killed his family members then committed suicide. Forensic teams have also visited the spot, bodies have been sent for post-mortem, and relatives of the deceased have been informed."
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Jitendra was a sanitation worker in a nearby Era World School and shifted to this area just 8 days ago. The incident came to light only after the neighbors looked into Jitendra's house as the door was closed since morning.
As per locals, on Thursday, a day ahead of the incident Jitendra's mother-in-law had visited the house and after that Jitendra and his wife had a fight. Police have found a liquor bottle and rappers of contraceptive tablets from the scene. It's being speculated that before taking the extreme step, Jitendra has consumed alcohol. However, the exact reason behind the incident only is clear after a detailed investigation, police added.