Bengaluru (Karnataka): The government on Wednesday formally sealed the Rs 48,000 crore deal to procure 83 Tejas light combat aircraft from the state-run aerospace behemoth Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.
The contract was handed over by Director General (Acquisition), Ministry of Defence, V L Kantha Rao to Chairman and Managing Director of HAL, R Madhavan, at the inaugural
ceremony of Aero India-2021, the country's premier defence and aerospace show, here, in the presence of Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.
Tejas, manufactured by the HAL, is a single-engine and highly agile multi-role supersonic fighter aircraft capable of operating in high-threat air environments.
The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi last month approved the deal for procurement of the 73 Tejas Mk-IA variant and 10 LCA Tejas
Mk-I trainer aircraft from the HAL to boost IAF's combat prowess.
READ: Aero India LIVE: Contract of LCA Tejas fighters handed over to HAL