Mumbai: The Mumbai Crime Branch on Saturday moved a plea before the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate court seeking to declare former Mumbai Police Commissioner Parambir Singh, accused in the Goregaon ransom case, a 'proclaimed offender'.
Special Public Prosecutor Shekhar Jagtap said the application was filed as Singh failed to appear before the court even after being issued a non-bailable warrant. "Three non-bailable warrants have already been issued against the accused, so we have filed an application in the court today seeking declaration of the accused as proclaimed offender," said the public prosecutor.
The crime branch has also filed an application to declare two others, Riaz Bhati and Vinay Singh alias Bablu, as absconding.
The court will give its decision on the application on Monday.
On October 30, the same court had issued a third non-bailable warrant against Parambir Singh.
A case has been registered against Parambir Singh and other accused under IPC sections 384, 385, 388, 389, 120B and 34. Non-bailable warrant was issued against the three accused. Though authorities tried to trace them at their last address, they were not found.