Raipur: In a controversial turn of events, an FIR was launched on Monday against the religious leader and self-styled Godman Kalicharan Maharaj in Chhattisgarh, after the latter was seen bowing down to Nathuram Godse, proceeding to give a controversial statement about Mahatma Gandhi in one of his gatherings in Raipur's Ravanbhatha ground some time ago.
The statement, which has now taken social media by storm, resulted in the FIR being registered against him in Raipur's Tikrapara police station.
"I thank Nathuram Godse ji. Mahatma Gandhi is responsible for the partition of the country. If it was not for these policemen, we would have been annihilated by now. The police cannot support the Hindus till the time when the king himself is a 'kattar Hindu' (staunch Hindu)", Kalicharan was seen saying in the clip.
Congress leader Rahul Gandi responded to the video by quoting Mahatma Gandhi in his tweet.
"You can chain me, torture me, you can destroy this body, but you can't imprison my thoughts." Gandhi tweeted out.
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"Kalicharan should be arrested in Maharashtra by filing a case of treason. We want to send a message to the country and the world that insult to Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi will not be tolerated in this country," Maharashtra minister and NCP leader Nawab Malik tweeted on Monday, attaching a video where he is seen raising the issue in the parliament.
The clip showed Malik urging the parliament's speaker to take action against Kalicharan, who the minister says is a resident of Shivaji Nagar in Maharashtra's Akola,
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, too, fiercely criticized Kalicharan's statements, saying, "This land is of peace, love and brotherhood. This land is of Guru Ghasidas. Provocative, non-violent talk will not be tolerated here. Such statements about the father of the nation display his mental state. The toughest possible step will be taken by the administration," Baghel said.
The CM also tweeted out copies of the FIR later on in the day, confirming police action against the accused.