Udaipur: Rajkumar Sharma, an eyewitness of the Kanhaiya Lal murder case has been provided police security. Kanhaiya, a tailor was brutally hacked to death on June 28 in Rajasthan's Udaipur for supporting Nupur Sharma, the BJP spokesperson suspended by the party for her controversial remarks against the Prophet.
Also read: Two accused in Kanhaiya Lal murder attacked at NIA court
Rajkumar and one of his colleagues Ishwar were working at the shop when Ghaus Mohammad and Riyaz stabbed Kanhaiya to death. While trying to save him, Ishwar was severely injured. Speaking to ETV Bharat, Rajkumar said that "both Riyaz and Ghaus Mohammad came to the shop on the pretext of getting a kurta stitched. "Kanhaiya Lal started taking measurements when suddenly both of them started attacking him vigorously.
After hearing his screams, Ishwar and I rushed to save him. They attacked Ishwar and then dragged Kanhaiya outside where they killed him. "During the attack, Kanhaiya was shouting 'Don't kill me, I have not done anything' but the accused kept stabbing him," he said describing the gruesome murder that has rocked the entire country.