New Delhi: With the exception of the State-owned BSNL in one circle, all telecom operators have been complying with call drop norms, Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw informed Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. "As per PMR for Cellular Mobile Telephone Services for the quarter ending December - 2021 of TRAI, all TSPs (telecom service providers) except BSNL in one LSA (West Bengal) are complying with both the benchmarks related to drop call rate (DCR)," stated Vaishnaw in a written reply.
The Union Minister also said that the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has been monitoring the performance of telecom operators at the circle level as a whole through quarterly performance monitoring reports (PMRs) submitted by them against the benchmarks for various quality of service parameters laid down by the regulator.
Vaishnaw said that the Telecommunications DEpartment has set up an interactive voice response system (IVRS) through which around 5.67 crore subscribers have been individually contacted since December 2016 for feedback on call drop.
(with agency inputs)
Also read: BSNL's service revenue seen at Rs 17,000 cr in FY22