New Delhi: Delhi government has directed schools to ensure students of senior secondary sections attend classes regularly and teachers should strive for 100 per cent students' attendance while completing the syllabus on time. With the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) announcing that it will conduct the board examination from April 26 onwards, Delhi Director of Education Himanshu Gupta on Saturday held a meeting to discuss the necessary preparations for the upcoming examinations. The meeting was also attended by Education Advisor Shailendra Sharma and Additional Director (School) Rita Sharma, the Delhi government said in a statement.
Schools reopened for classes 9 to 12 on February 7 following a prolonged closure in the wake of the Covid pandemic. Schools will be reopening from nursery to class 8 from February 14. "The Directorate of Education (DoE) has directed the heads of schools to ensure that students of senior secondary sections, class 10 and 12, attend the classes regularly, according to the statement.
For the next two months, teachers should strive for 100 per cent students' attendance and make optimum utilisation of time in completing the syllabus and preparing students for examination through revision activities and practicals," it read. In the meeting, it was decided that attention will be given to practical work.
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"After online classes for a long time, it has become very important to focus better on the practical classes of the children so that they can get hands-on learning experience," the statement read. The meeting also decided that the school heads will also be able to call additional resource persons using SMC funds as per the learning needs of the children.
"Remedial classes will be conducted to enhance the confidence of students and recoup the loss in studies due to closure of schools," the statement read. Students can also download sample papers and learning materials by visiting the academic and examination sections on the website of the Education Department.
To help students adjust to the school environment, Delhi government's DoE has asked all heads of school to focus on students' social-emotional wellbeing in the first two weeks. Students will be encouraged to share their experiences freely and explore the new school environment.
Noting that school closure for two years has widened the learning gaps among students, the government said it is important that when they return, teachers' focus should be on supporting their social and emotional well-being and strengthening the foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) skills through various activities.