Hyderabad: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Friday conducted searches at the YSRCP MP Magunta Srinivasulureddy's residences in Bangalore, Chennai, Nellore, and Delhi along with 40 other places across the country including Hyderabad, in the Delhi liquor scam case.
ED has also deployed high security and restrained entry and exit of anyone other than the ED officials into the properties under scrutiny.
The ED has intensified investigations in the Delhi Liquor Scam case and has been extensively searching five states including Delhi, AP, Telangana, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. Earlier, the central agency had raided Robin Distilleries Private Limited and Robin Distribution LLP offices, following a lead they procured from Secunderabad.
During the investigation, the ED found out that Robin Distilleries Private Limited and Robin Distribution LLP operated from the same email address. Meanwhile, ED also raided Ramchandra Pillai in Kokapet suspecting his connections with various political leaders.