Bengaluru: Karnataka police, who are investigating the Hyderabad drug racket, is likely to issue a notice to Telugu film actor Tanish Alladi to appear before it on March 13. The police will also serve notice to four other people for allegedly attending a night party hosted by Karnataka film producer Shankare Gowda of which Tanish Alladi was also a part.
According to information, Inspector R. Prakash of Govindpura police station in Karnataka will go to Hyderabad and issue a notice to Alladi and others in connection with the case. Alladi shot into the limelight when he was a contestant in Telugu Bigg Boss season 2.
Reports suggest that Alladi had reportedly received drugs from a drug peddler Calvin in 2017. Calvin was arrested and Alladi appeared before the Special Investigation Team (SIT) of Telangana's Excise Department for questioning the same year.
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The actor was questioned by SIT officials about the allegations that he takes drugs and also has links with the peddlers arrested in the case. The SIT also questioned various Tollywood personalities in connection with the case.
The night party at the producer's house was organised by his office staffer Vicki Malhotra and was attended by celebrities from the fashion industry. However, till now police have not found any evidence against Gowda and Malhotra in connection with drug consumption or peddling.
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The investigating team had summoned 12 Tollywood personalities for questioning. Their names cropped up during the investigations when SIT allegedly found their contact numbers in the call data of Calvin Mascarenhas, said to be the kingpin of the racket.