New Delhi: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will make a statement in Parliament today on the Bipin Rawat chopper crash in Coonoor of Tamil Nadu. In the helicopter crash that happened on Wednesday, India's Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat and 13 people, including his wife Madhulika Rawat were killed.
According to sources, Rajnath Singh will make a statement in the Lok Sabha at 11:15 am today, followed by a statement in the Rajya Sabha as well.
Rajnath Singh has expressed grief over the death of General Rawat through his Twitter. His tweet said, "My condolences to the families that lost their loved ones in the Air Force helicopter crash. I am deeply saddened by the death of Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat, his wife and 11 other members of the Armed Forces in a helicopter crash."
He also said that the untimely death of CDS General Bipin Rawat is an irreparable loss to our armed forces and the country. General Rawat served the country with extraordinary courage, and as the CDS, he had efficiently devised plans for the unification of the armed forces.
Also read: IAF chopper crash: All you need to know about Mi-17V5 helicopter