New Delhi: Two motorcycle-borne criminals shot dead a trader in the Bindapur locality of Delhi when he was returning home, on Sunday night. The shocking incident was captured on a CCTV camera. Cloth merchant Mohit, along with his eldest brother Rohit, was returning home after closing their shop. The duo was also carrying a bag containing cash. Both the brothers after seeing the motorcycle-borne criminals coming from the opposite direction fled towards a lane.
Miscreants after chasing them for some distance shot and injured Mohit. But outlaws were unsuccessful in snatching the bag containing cash from Mohit. Miscreants then fled from the spot leaving the motorcycle behind. After some time Mohit slumped on the ground and Rohit his eldest brother attempted to lift him up. But he was unsuccessful in his attempt. Later, Mohit was rushed to DDU Hospital where doctors declared him brought dead, said police sources.