Kolkata: On August 16, 2021, "Khela Hobe" day was celebrated in every corner and every block of West Bengal. Trinamool Congress leaders and workers were especially enthusiastic in celebrating the day in the urban and rural areas in the state. Some top leaders of the party including MPS and state minister, were seen celebrating the programme in other states as well.
However, the celebration has now prompted controversies and mud- slinging. The opposition parties argue that the chief minister, Mamata Banerjee announced this programe from a government platform and she said that this celebration is celebrated by all the clubs and social organisations. She also announced that 1,00,000 footballs will be distributed throughout the state on August 16.
But in reality the programme overwhelmingly became a platform for Tirnamool Congress’ propaganda. Now the opposition is raising questions on why the state government was shouldering the cost of a party programme. Questions are being asked on who had borne the expenditure of celebrating day in another state. How can a state government initiative take the shape of a political propaganda for the state's ruling party?
According to state vice president of BJP, Jaiprakash Majumdar, the naked show of self propaganda in the name of a government initiative on August 16, was an insult for the martyrs of 1946 and the victims of Eden Garden's clashes in Kolkata in the year 1980. "In the recent Olympics three sports personalities from West Bengal participated. But unfortunately they could not attend regular practices in the state because of lack of infrastructure. The crores of rupees spent behind the 'Khela Hobe' celebration could have been utilized for developing the sports infrastructure in the state, which could have benefitted the sports personalities," Majumdar said.
According to the former leader of the Left Legislative Party in West Bengal assembly, Dr Sujon Chakraborty, what happened on August 16 was nothing but wastage of public money. "Secondly, what happened on August 16, 1980 was an extremely tragic incident. There is no question of celebration on that day," he said.
Trinamool Congress spokesman, Kunal Ghosh, however, rubbished all the opposition allegations on this count. "These are false allegations that public money was utilized for Trinamool Congress propaganda. The chief minister gave a call to celebrate the day. The state sport department just provided 1,00,000 footballs. The people of the state celebrated and outside celebrated the day responding to the call of the chief minister. So did the Trinamool Congress leaders and workers. No question of wastage of public money comes here. The state BJP president, Dilip Ghosh also played football on that day. Whether he too received government sponsorship for that," Ghosh said.
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