Hyderabad: Chief Justice of India NV Ramana is participating in a Meet and Greet event in Virginia (US) on Saturday. The event is organised under the auspices of the Telugu Community of Washington DC. The CJI is presently on a tour to the US. CJI Ramana was accorded a warm welcome at the New York airport on Thursday. Bharat Biotech chief Krishna Ella, MD Suchitra Ella, Indian Consulate General Randhir Jaishwal, TANA ex-presidents Jay Thalluri and TANA dignitaries Valiveti Brahmaji, Vasireddy Vamsi and Arvind welcomed NV Ramana.
Read: Denial of justice would lead to anarchy: CJI Ramana
CJI Ramana visited Columbia University in New York city on Friday where paid tributes to Dr BR Ambedkar at the library by garlanding his statue. Later, he also paid a visit to the 'Scholars Lion'. The CJI will also address a gathering of expatriate Indians at Milpitas on July 1. The event will be organised by the Association of Indo-Americans.