Hyderabad: Marco actor Unni Mukundan announced his resignation from the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) on Tuesday. Mukundan took to his official social media handle to announce that he would no longer be serving as the Treasurer of the organisation, as his rising work commitments were taking a mental toll on him.
Mukundan's retirement comes amid increased pressure from his busy schedule, particularly his work on Marco and other production-related work. The actor who assumed charge as AMMA treasurer in July 2024, said that balancing professional work and personal well-being was proving challenging for him. Mukundan expressed his gratitude for the trust and support extended by the AMMA community during the term of his service. The post was rewarding, he said, but he could no longer perform his duties effectively because of the increasing demands of his acting career.
A part of his Facebook post read: "While I have always given my best in serving this role, I recognize that I can no longer fulfill my duties effectively given the growing commitments ahead. It is with a heavy heart that I submit my resignation. I will, however, continue to serve until a new member is appointed, ensuring a smooth transition."
However, the Malayalam actor added he will continue to serve in his role until a successor is appointed, facilitating a seamless transition of responsibilities. This comes at a time when AMMA is under heavy scrutiny after several of its executive members came out in support of the allegations of sexual abuse in the MeToo movement. Shiv Mukundan, one of Mukundan's supporters, wrote on Facebook that he understood Mukundan's decision and wished him the best in his next step.
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