Raipur (Chhattisgarh): Chhattisgarh police have been planning to deploy 15 small, medium, and large size drones to keep watch on the activities of CPI (Maoist) ultras, a proscribed outfit, in the jungles of the state. Besides, these drones will also help in providing security cover to police and paramilitary forces involved in the anti-Naxal operation in Chhattisgarh.
The process for obtaining drones by the police department of Chhattisgarh has begun. Samples of several companies dealing in drones have been obtained for scrutiny. The technical team of the Chhattisgarh police department after examining all the required parameters of the drones will give its final clearance for purchase, said police sources.
Read: Chhattisgarh: Three Naxalites surrender before security forces in Sukma
Bastar IG Pattilingam Sundarraj said, "Drones will be made available to soldiers by the Chhattisgarh police headquarters shortly. We are in the process of purchasing 15 drones. Other details about the drones such as how they will be operated and from where — cannot be divulged for security reasons. No doubt, the deployment of drones will give a major boost to anti-Naxal operation in Chhattisgarh."