Raipur: Amid BJP raking up the religious conversion row in the state, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel squarely blamed the saffron party, asserting that the rate of conversion was highest during the previous regime. "The state witnessed the highest number of conversion. It all happened when BJP was in power," Bhagel told reporters.
"I have a list of churches built during the BJP regime. Churches were built when religious conversions were happening. It is BJP which has expertise in the issues of religious conversion and as well as communalism. But their conspiracies won't succeed," Bhagel said responding to the jibes from BJP.
"They don't have issues like unemployment and price rise (concerning them) any more. They are left only with the issues of religious conversion. I am saying that the highest number of churches were erected during the tenure of the BJP government," Bhagel said.
Bhagel also made it clear that the state government will take stringent action against those whosoever is found guilty for such 'conversion'. "The first and foremost objective of the State government is to provide security to the denizens but it does not mean that people can lure others to convert," Bhagel said.
Earlier this week, a section of Tribals were protesting against the religious conversion row in Chhattisgarh vandalised a church. Narayanpur District Superintendent of Police Sadanand Kumar was injured in the melee. Five persons, including BJP local leaders were arrested on Tuesday.