Nagpur: Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari in an exclusive interview to ETV Bharat correspondent Dhananjay Tiple said that the Centre will soon introduce a 'Flex Engine Policy'. He further said that by adopting ethanol-based 'flex engines' the need for petrol will automatically reduce and the public would get relief from surging fuel prices. Gadkari, who has been active in Maharashtra politics since 1989, has a unique identity in the Modi government and has been in the headlines regarding the Vehicle Scrappage Policy.
The Union Minister speaking about the significance of flex engines amid the rising prices of petrol and diesel, said, "Every automobile company in the world makes petrol-based vehicles, which are available in the market. However, in Brazil, Canada and the US, drivers have many other fuel options. In these countries, there is a facility and choice at the petrol pump to put 100% petrol in the vehicle or add bio-ethanol. Cars run on both fuel types – petrol and bioethanol. The price of petrol in our country has now soared from Rs 110 to Rs 115, surpassing the 100 mark, while the price of ethanol is just Rs 65. Now, in India farmers can prepare ethanol, as it is a natural byproduct of sugarcane juice, molasses, rice, maize and biomass."
Read: Nagpur has potential to emerge as logistics capital, says Nitin Gadkari
India today imports crude oil worth about eight lakh crore rupees, he said, adding that in the next five years, the country will have to import crude oil worth Rs 25 lakh crore, therefore, it is definitely necessary to reduce imports to make a self-reliant India.
Ethanol costs just Rs 65/litre
"Ethanol is many times better than petrol. Pollution from ethanol is negligible. Hence, there is an option of a flex engine. There will be an option in this - either put 100 per cent petrol in the vehicle or use ethanol. There is no extra cost in adopting flex engines in petrol engine scooters, auto-rickshaws and cars. Only one filter is required, and instead of metal washers, rubber washers will be installed. This technology is being used by many companies in India too. If the rate of petrol is high in the country, people will adopt ethanol of Rs 65 per litre. At least one litre will have a profit of Rs 25, pollution will also be reduced and farmers will also get some money due to ethanol. This will be a big achievement in the direction of making a self-reliant India," Gadkari said.
On being asked if ethanol would replace petrol completely, Gadkari quipped, "There is no doubt that ethanol will replace petrol in the coming days. The reason for this is that earlier ethanol was made only from molasses in the sugar factory. As we have rice in large quantities, ethanol can also be made from rice and other food grains. Municipal waste is also helpful in making the product. Ethanol will strengthen the country's economy, even more, pollution will be less. Crude oil imports will be less. One tonne of Bio-CNG is produced using five tonnes of straw. Bio-LNG can be prepared instead of Bio-CNG. Apart from the Indian Air Force, ethanol can also be used in regular flights. Recently, biofuel was used in a SpiceJet flight that came from Dehradun to Delhi."
The Union Minister further said that he has been raising the topic of ethanol since 2009 and that he aims at diversifying agriculture towards the energy and power sector in a bid to curb water, air pollution and noise pollution.
Read: Nitin Gadkari emphasises on adoption of alternative fuels
India will get 26 green highways at par with US standards
"The country will get 26 green highways like Mumbai and Delhi. It is my endeavour that in the next three years, good roads at par with American standards should be built in India, spanning Bihar, Uttar Pradesh to Arunachal, Meghalaya and Tripura and those leading to Kashmir," Gadkari said, adding that our engineers and departments are working day and night.
India will be the king of manufacturing big vehicles
"The turnover of the automobile sector will up from 7.5 lakh crore to 15 lakh crore. This is the largest employing industry and the industry with the highest revenue. Our two-wheeler industry is exporting 50 per cent of its production and India will definitely become the king of manufacturing big vehicles," Gadkari added.