Chennai: Subhanshu Shekhar Thevuri (21), a B Tech final year student of IIT Madras, allegedly died by suicide in his hostel room on the campus here. Hailing from Odisha state, Subhanshu took the extreme step at the IIT hostel located in Koturpuram, Chennai. He was studying Aero Space Engineering.
The police sources said that on September 14, Subhanshu dined at the hotel mess as usual and went to his room. Since then, he was not seen outside and his room was not opened up until Thursday evening. Suspecting this, fellow students informed the hostel manager. When they knocked on the door, he didn't open it. Later, they broke the door and entered the room only to find the body of Subhanshu.
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Later, the hostel management informed the police. In turn, the police went to the spot and shifted the body to the Rayapet Government mortuary for autopsy. The Kotturpuram police registered a case and investigating the incident. It has been revealed that Subhanshu failed in five subjects in the examination and due to this, he was depressed for the last two days. Following this, the police investigating the cause of the suicide. As the student died by suicide in the hostel room, the case has been transferred to the CBCID as per the orders of the High Court.