New Delhi: The Border Security Force (BSF) in Ferozepur sector area on Indo-Pakistan border Monday night shot down a drone transporting contraband goods. The BSF soldiers swung into action after hearing the buzzing sound of the drone and fired glowing bombs for lighting arrangements, to bring down the flying object. The drone was ferrying a green color packet containing some contraband goods.
Giving details, BSF Delhi Headquarters spokesperson said the drone had come from the Pakistan side of the border. "The BSF team in Ferozepur sector area in the intervening night of Monday shot down a drone which was carrying contraband goods. Our soldiers, on hearing the buzzing sound of the drone coming from the Pakistan side of the border, with the help of illuminating bombs, brought the flying object down. A green color bag weighing 4kg 170 grams was attached to the drone. The bag was containing 5 small packets of yellow and black colour. All the small packets were containing contraband goods," he said.
The drone belongs to DJI Matrice 300 RTX Quadcopter class.