Jaipur: There was a stir in the capital Jaipur on Tuesday evening due to a gas leakage from a plant. Due to the gas leakage, a white sheet-like snow spread in the plant and the surrounding area. However, this incident was brought under control in time. At present, there is no news of any loss of life or property. This incident is of Ajmera Gas Filling Plant located on Road No. 18 in Vishwakarma Industrial Area of Jaipur, where carbon dioxide gas is filled in tanks.
Upon receiving information about this incident, the police and the civil defence team reached the spot. Fire engines were also called to the spot. The accident was averted by controlling the leakage in time. Deputy Controller of Civil Defence Amit Sharma said that this incident took place at Ajmera Gas Filling Plant located at VKI Road No. 18 in Jaipur. Here, due to the breakage of a tanker valve, the gas spread in the plant and the surrounding area.
Panic after the leak: Due to the gas leak, there was chaos on the spot. The police and civil defence team closed the valve. After this, the gas leak stopped. During this, the fire brigade and ambulance were also deployed at the spot.