Panaji: The BJP is expected to announce its list of candidates for the February 14 Assembly polls by Tuesday evening, said Chief Minister Pramod Sawant. Sawant, along with state president Sadanand Shet Tanavade, Union Minister of State for Tourism Shripad Naik, organising secretary Satish Dhond are scheduled to leave for the national capital.
"We are going to Delhi today," Sawant said. The BJP is headed for the polls on its own and the Chief Minister has said that the party is expecting to win more than 22 seats in the elections. The Assembly polls in Goa will be held in a single phase on February 14.
BJP to announce list of candidates for Goa polls today: CM Sawant
Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant said that the BJP is expected to announce its list of candidates for the February 14 Assembly polls by Tuesday evening.
Panaji: The BJP is expected to announce its list of candidates for the February 14 Assembly polls by Tuesday evening, said Chief Minister Pramod Sawant. Sawant, along with state president Sadanand Shet Tanavade, Union Minister of State for Tourism Shripad Naik, organising secretary Satish Dhond are scheduled to leave for the national capital.
"We are going to Delhi today," Sawant said. The BJP is headed for the polls on its own and the Chief Minister has said that the party is expecting to win more than 22 seats in the elections. The Assembly polls in Goa will be held in a single phase on February 14.