New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday asked why the private hospitals, given land free of cost by the government cannot treat Covid-19 patients for free. Giving a week's time to the Central government to reply on this matter, SC instructed the govt to identify earmarked Covid-19 hospitals which would treat the infected patients at a nominal cost.
This comes after the apex court sought a reply from the government regarding problems faced by the migrant workers stranded in the country.
"They have been given land either free of cost or at a very nominal cost. These private charitable hospitals should treat them for free," said the bench.
Earlier on April 30, SC had sought a reply from the government in context of a plea seeking free COVID-19 treatment in all the hospitals including that of private hospitals. The bench had observed that private hospitals have been granted unfettered power by the government with no outside interference.
Read: Debate on Migrant saga!