New Delhi: The Supreme Court bench led by CJI Ranjan Gogoi on Monday asked Gujarat High Court Advocates Association to submit the copy of their petition to Solicitor General Tushar Mehta against the "deliberate inaction" by the Center in deciding on collegium's recommendation to appoint Justice Akil Kureshi as the Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh's High Court.
The bench posted the matter for hearing on July 22nd.
President of the Association, Yatiz Oza's petition read, "The deliberate inaction of the respondent (centre) in not appointing Mr Justice Akil Kureshi as the Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh HC impinges and diminishes the primacy of the judiciary in the matters of appointment and transfer of judges to High Court and Supreme Court."
The collegium had made the recommendation on 10th may in accordance with the law laid down in the special judges case and memorandum of procedure for judicial appointment and transfers. The association also said that 18 other juages of HC were appointed and only the decisions on Kureshi is still pending.
It added that SC should direct the government to appoint HC chief justices within 6 weeks from the collegium's date of recommendation.
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