New Delhi: The Central Public Works Department (CPWD) has asked the Union Home Ministry (MHA) not to examine its project estimates as such 'interference' caused delay in project completion.
"We have more than 8000 skilled engineers working in our organisation. Whatever project estimates we make are perfect and accurate. Interference of different organisations simply hamper our work," said CPWD Director General Prabhakar Singh.
Singh has recently written a letter to Union Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla asking his department not to ask for scrutiny of their project estimates.
The suggestions given to MHA could be interesting following the fact that charges of corruption in CPWD keeps pouring from time to time.
Singh, however, ruled out any corruption charges in his department.
CPWD also examine the estimates prepared by other departments and organisations.
The DG said that perfect engineering practices as done by CPWD, "should not require further scrutiny."
The CPWD is also the principal construction agency of MHA for creation of all types of built assets for central paramilitary forces and for border infrastructure.
"We built infrastructure along country's border areas as well," said Singh.
CPWD, a major central government authority, is presently working on 2000 projects across India.
"At present, the work order is of Rs 1,50,000 crore across India and we are going ahead without mission creating benchmarks," said Singh.