Indore: In a tragic incident, a Class 8 student died of cardiac arrest during a race competition organised by his school in Madhya Pradesh’s Indore, police said on Sunday. The incident took place in the Lasudia police station area, they said.
The 12-year-old student collapsed suddenly while running and fell to the ground after experiencing breathing difficulties. The teachers and students present at the event rushed him to the nearest hospital. However, the boy died during treatment, police said.
The deceased originally hailed from Dewas but attended school in the Lasudia police station area. He was the only child in his family. The school administration has cancelled all ongoing programs.
Additional DCP Rajesh Dandotia said, "The child died suddenly due to cardiac arrest. Preliminary information suggests he might have been suffering from a serious heart disease. The family of the deceased has refused to conduct a post-mortem."
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