Ratlam (Madhya Pradesh): While political parties across the country are busy in the rough and tumble of the ongoing Lok Sabha polls 2019 and poll guru's engrossed in crunching numbers, the residents of Gothda village in Madhya Pradesh's Neemuch district have it all sorted out. The crowd gathered in hundreds at the quaint village burst into a loud cheer when the revered Maa Mahishapur predicted that Narendra Modi will be the 'King' (Prime Minister) for the next five years as well.
However, hinting at a possible dethroning of Modi, the goddess also said that political ups and downs will continue throughout Modi's second term, hence, giving some hope to the opposition in fray for the polls.
Maa Mahishasur also
"Maa Gothda has predicted that Modi will continue to remain the King of the country for the next five years and you hear the people cheering on with happiness, " said an elated Anil Firoziya, a local BJP leader.
An optimistic Dilip Gujjar, a local Congress leader said, " Although she (Maa Maheshwari) said that Modi will emerge
Apart from political predictions, the goddess also predicted the occurrence of earthquakes, rainfall, and the fluctuations in the market price gold and silver.
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The residents of the village wait with bated breath for the goddess to make her predictions, which they believe comes true every year.
Jitendra Singh, a local resident said, "We have been coming here for years, my forefathers have also witnessed these predictions and we strongly believe in them."
Interestingly, the goddess has an impressive record of correctly predicting the winners of both the Lok Sabha and assembly elections held in the state in 2014.