New Delhi: On the occasion of 74th Independence Day, Congress party announced the launch of a web-series, named "Dharohar", which will be based on its history and contributions to India, from the freedom struggle to the "emergence of India" as a "superpower" in 70 years of its independence.
"The Indian National Congress was formed on 28th December 1885- an organisation that gave voice to the voiceless and led the fight for India's freedom. With leaders from all walks of life dedicating their life to India Congress has always been by the people for the people and of the people," said the statement released by the party, on Saturday.
It further added, "Congress has been at the forefront in the efforts to create an India, which is a global leader in the industry, agriculture, science, technology, health, military, culture and all this without ever compromising on its secular and democratic nature."
By sharing it's first episode on Congress' social media platform about the formation of the party, it stated, "Dharohar will look back at the 135 year legacy of this robust history of India and the ideas that went into making it because the idea of Congress is the idea of India. For Congress is not only India's past and present but also it's future."
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi also tweeted the video episode, saying, "Congress ki Dharohar, Desh ki Dharohar (Congress' heritage, Nation's heritage)."
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