Hyderabad: Cellphones worth Rs 2 crore were reportedly stolen by some unknown miscreants from a container carrying the cargo in Telangana. The incident happened on the national highway near Masaipet of Veldurti Mandal in Medak district.
Although the incident happened on September 16 the truck driver lodged a complaint after a day. As per the complaint filed at Chegunta police station, the container contained cell phones worth Rs 11 crore and had left for Delhi on September 16.
Subash Goud, Sub-Inspector of Chegunta police station, said, "The container with Redmi company cell phones worth Rs 11 cr has started from Chennai for Delhi on September 15. Container driver Devender had stopped the container for about 45 minutes at Chegunta on 44 national highway on September 16. The miscreants on getting this information waylaid the container having 2200 cell phones.
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Goud added, "The driver had stopped at Masaipet for dinner and had parked the vehicle there. At Ichchoda in Adilabad district, he realised that door of the container was open. The lock was broken. The driver has also informed the mobile company 'Redmi' about the theft.
Redmi has pressed company delegates from Delhi to the spot to find out how the incident happened. GPS technology installed in the truck revealed that the container had halted for about 45 minutes at Masaipet. Two teams have been pressed in for investigating the robbery and to nab the miscreants.