New Delhi: BJP MP Rajeev Chandrasekhar on Friday said he has given Rs 2.5 lakh to the parents of a young boy from Ladakh after a video clip of him giving a crisp salute to the Indo-Tibetan Border Police personnel posted in the region went viral.
The video clip of Namgyal saluting a team of ITBP personnel has been widely shared online. It was tweeted by the border patrolling force from its official handle on October 11.
"Namgyal had won the love and respect of an entire nation when a video him giving a crisp salute to the ITBP personnel passing through Shushul in Ladakh emerged," Chandrasekhar's office said in a statement.
"Namgyal's spirit of patriotism encouraged many to call upon for helping the young Ladakh boy to realise his dreams. I have contributed Rs 2.5 lakh for him through Flags of Honour Foundation and a cheque of the same amount has been issued in his father's name," the BJP MP said in the statement.
"Since its formation in 2009, the Flags of Honour Foundation supported and advocated the cause of the armed forces, the men and women who serve and the veterans who have made tremendous sacrifices for the nation," the statement reads.
"In line with this endeavour, Chandrasekhar has sought to reach out to Namgyal's parents so as to ensure that he shines and someday inspires others to stand tall for the motherland," it said.
ALSO READ: Video of kid saluting ITBP troops with 'high josh' goes viral