New Delhi: Film actor and singer Arun Bakshi on Saturday joined the Bharatiya Janata Party in the presence of party leader and former Chhattisgarh CM Raman Singh.
"I have joined BJP as I have always supported their ideology. Moreover, I am immensely impressed by our Prime Minister" the actor said after he was inducted into the party fold.
In his praise of the Prime Minister, the actor said: "I have never seen anybody like our Prime Minister after Atal Ji. He has motivated me to get out of Bombay and serve the nation."
"There are so many people against him. They don't like him only because he is faithful, honest and always thinks about the nation. He has never taken a holiday and sleeps for only three to four hours. He devotes rest of his time in serving the nation," he added.
Bakshi has acted in over 100 Hindi films and has sung 298 songs as a playback singer. The actor has also worked in Punjabi and Bhojpuri cinema.
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