Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday announced an ex-gratia of Rs 25 lakh and promised a government job to a family member of Army Major Ketan Sharma, who lost his life in Anantnag encounter on June 17.
A road will also be named after the braveheart.
"UP CM Yogi Adityanath has announced financial assistance of Rs 25 lakh and a government job to a family member of slain Army Major Ketan Sharma. A road will also be named after him," UP Minister Suresh Rana said while speaking to a news agency.
On Tuesday, a large number of people gathered in Meerut at Ketan's residence to receive his mortal remains.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and Army Chief General Bipin Rawat had also paid their homage to Major Sharma.
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