New Delhi: After Congress President Sonia Gandhi made an announcement, on Monday, that the party will bear the cost of train tickets of migrant workers, she released a heartfelt message for the people who are stranded in various parts of the country.
In a video addressing migrant leaders, Sonia Gandhi: "Just like farmers are the food providers, labourers and workers are the makers of this nation. I know that there are still lakhs of migrant workers who are stranded in various parts of the country and waiting to go back to their homes at these difficult time of Coronavirus pandemic. Not just resources and money, they don't even have ration with them."
She further added, "When we hear the plight of lacks of migrant workers, it feels like of a family member. This is the voice of a father, a husband, a son who wants to go back to their children, wife and parents at their homes."
Congress Chief also slammed the Central Government for charging train fare from the migrant workers for the journey back to their home states.
She said, "The most unfortunate thing in this period of crisis is that government is imposing fare upon the migrant labourers for their train journey. We hoped that the donated amount of thousands of crores will be utilized for these makers of the nation, to ensure their safe and free movement to their home states. But it did not happened."
Earlier today, Sonia Gandhi announced that all the Pradesh Congress Committees will bear the cost of train travel of these migrants by coordinating with the State Chief Secretaries and Railway officials to do the needful.
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are the two states units of Congress which have donated Rs 1 crore to the state governments to ensure free transportation of the migrant workers.
"Congress party is committed to serve our migrant workers, ensuring their safe return to their home states," said Sonia Gandhi.
Also Read: no-role-in-collecting-fares-from-migrants-indian-railways