Panaji (Goa): Goa police have found a note scribbled with eyeliner on a tissue from the bag where Bengaluru CEO Suchana Seth carried the body of her four-year-old son. The note is seen as a crucial piece of evidence that can throw light on the motive of murder as well as the accused's mental condition.
In the note the accused expressed her unwillingness to part with their son and give his custody to her estranged husband. She has reportedly accused her husband of having a violent behavior and not setting a good example before their son, sources said. The divorce proceedings between Seth and her husband is underway since 2022.
Investigators said that the note is being studied closely. Police have also taken note of her handwriting. It proves that Seth wanted full custody of the child and was in distress over the matter. The crumbled note was recovered from the bag where the boy's body was kept, a source said. It seems that the woman was displeased with the court's decision to allow her husband to meet their son on Sundays, he added.
During the day, Seth was made to undergo a medical examination. Psychological tests have already been conducted to examine the woman's mental condition.
Investigators said that Seth is being taken to the hotel room in Goa, where she checked-in on January 6, to recreate the crime scene as part of investigations. Police have already recovered two empty cough syrup bottles from the room and it is being suspected that a high dose of medicine was given to the boy before murdering him. The post-mortem report of the boy showed no signs of struggle.
Seth had earlier told police that she woke up in her room and found her son dead. She was arrested on her way to Karnataka on Monday night.
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