Hyderabad (Telangana): Close on the heels after a 17-year-old girl was allegedly gang-raped when she was returning home after a party in the Jubilee Hills area of Hyderabad on May 28, two persons including a cab driver were arrested on Sunday for sexually assaulting a minor girl (11) in Hyderabad. In the latest incident, the minor was kidnapped by a cab driver on May 31 from the Sultan Shahi area of the city, when she was looking to travel to her home. She was subsequently taken to the Kondurg area of the Rangareddy district and was again dropped off in the same place the next morning.
The duo has been identified as Mohammed Luqman(driver) and his friend Shaik Kaleem Ali. Actually, Ali was picked up by Luqman en route, whereafter they sexually abused the victim in Luqman's residence in the Kondurg. "During the investigation, the police patrol team at about 5 am on June 1 located the girl. She was later referred to Bharosa Centre for recording her statement. In her statement, the minor said that she was going to Pahadi Shareef to her parents' house," Inspector of Police, Moghalpura Police Station, Hyderabad said.
Also read: Hyderabad: Minor girl gangraped in a car by friends, two arrested
As Luqman asked whether she wanted to travel somewhere, "the minor girl replied she wants to go to Shaheen Nagar as she does not have money. Kaleem lured the minor girl to drop her at her house and took her in his car. On the way at about 10 pm, he picked the second accused Shaik Kaleem Ali. They both took her to the house of accused Luqman situated at Kondurg village, where the accused persons forcibly sexually assaulted the minor girl," the police also said.
(With agency inputs)