Indore: Police have registered a case against two persons for allegedly spraying petrol on the genitals of stray dogs in Madhya Pradesh's Indore on Wednesday. The dogs were groaning in pain due to this act of cruelty, an official said.
The official said, "Two employees of a dairy located in Jaora Compound area were allegedly harassing the stray dogs for a long time by spraying petrol on their genitals, and no arrest has been made yet."
Also read: Plastic surgeon booked for tying the stray dog to the car, dragging it along road in Rajasthan
Priyanshu Jain, president of the Indore unit of People for Animals organization, lodged a complaint at Sanyogitaganj police station on Tuesday night, based on which a case was registered against two persons under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and other relevant provisions.
Some people who saw the cruelty said that the accused were very happy to see the dogs suffering. They were inflicting severe pain on the dogs for their pleasure, they added.