Prayagraj: The Allahabad High Court on Tuesday directed an accused in a political violence case to distribute water and sharbat as goodwill to uphold communal harmony while granting him bail. Justice Ajay Bhanot ordered the petitioner to serve cold water and syrup to passers-by at a public place in Hapur on any week of May or June. The court ordered the release of the petitioner with a personal bond and two sureties with conditions.
The court has also asked the concerned DC and SP to facilitate the arrangement so that the desired goodwill and harmony can be achieved. An FIR was registered against the petitioner on March 11 at Simbhawali police station in Hapur after a dispute had arisen between the political rivals which later turned violent. The District Court had rejected the bail application of the accused.
He later filed an application in the High Court for bail saying he had no role in the violence alleging he has been “implicated out of malice”. Agreeing with the arguments of the petitioner, the court said that the petitioner is entitled to bail.
Also read: Delhi court grants bail to Delhi varsity professor Ratan Lal