Aligarh: The Dharma Samaj Degree College, Aligarh, has issued a notice regarding the religious attire in the college amid the ongoing Hijab row which started from Udupi, Karnataka. The notice said that the college administration will be forced to deprive students of admission if they are not in the prescribed dress code of the college. Earlier on Monday, some students attended the college wearing saffron cloaks and demonstrated against the hijab. Consequently, the college administration has taken strict steps.
Meanwhile, two days ago the students had given a memorandum to the proctor demanding a ban on the burqa on the college campus. On Thursday, the college administration, banning the burqa on the campus, issued a notice to implement the dress code. Rajesh Verma, principal of DS Degree College, said "there is no such thing as a ban in the secular college. We do not support or oppose any particular religion. There is a dress code in the college and we must follow it. Even if students come in other dresses, they can change in the common room."