New Delhi: After petrol prices crossed the three-digit mark in various parts of the country, the LPG prices have also risen in the past few months. Congress leader and former finance minister P. Chidambaram took a potshot on the Prime Minister, saying "Modi hai, Mumkin hai." He further stated how the prices have risen, "Mr Modi's government and LPG prices in 2020 to 2021, from Rs 594 in November 2020 to price as of July 1, 2021 Rs 834." The oil companies have hiked the price of domestic LPG cylinders by Rs 25. A domestic cylinder will now cost Rs 834.50 in Delhi. The revised rate is applicable from July 1.
Mr Modi’s government and LPG prices in 2020 to 2021:
— P. Chidambaram (@PChidambaram_IN) July 1, 2021 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
🔸Nov 30, 2020: ₹594
🔸Dec 1, 2020: ₹644
🔸Jan 1, 2021: ₹694
🔸Feb 4, 2021: ₹719
🔸Feb 15, 2021: ₹769
🔸Mar 1, 2021: ₹819
🔸July 1, 2021: ₹834
Modi hai, mumkin hai!
">Mr Modi’s government and LPG prices in 2020 to 2021:
— P. Chidambaram (@PChidambaram_IN) July 1, 2021
🔸Nov 30, 2020: ₹594
🔸Dec 1, 2020: ₹644
🔸Jan 1, 2021: ₹694
🔸Feb 4, 2021: ₹719
🔸Feb 15, 2021: ₹769
🔸Mar 1, 2021: ₹819
🔸July 1, 2021: ₹834
Modi hai, mumkin hai!Mr Modi’s government and LPG prices in 2020 to 2021:
— P. Chidambaram (@PChidambaram_IN) July 1, 2021
🔸Nov 30, 2020: ₹594
🔸Dec 1, 2020: ₹644
🔸Jan 1, 2021: ₹694
🔸Feb 4, 2021: ₹719
🔸Feb 15, 2021: ₹769
🔸Mar 1, 2021: ₹819
🔸July 1, 2021: ₹834
Modi hai, mumkin hai!
On the other hand, petrol continues to be priced at Rs 98.81 a litre and diesel at 89.18 a litre in the national capital on Thursday. Starting from a price line of Rs 90.40 a litre on May 1, petrol is now priced at Rs 98.81 a litre in the national capital, rising by a sharp Rs 8.41 per litre in the last 60 days. Similarly, diesel prices in Delhi also rose by Rs 8.45 per litre in the past two months to reach Rs 89.18 a litre.
Read: Answer to crisis is to put money in hands of people: Chidambaram on govt package